Life in Africa…..

Most of the time I have to gently inform people that even though we live in Africa, we do not have wild animals roaming the streets. Johannesburg is a first world city.

Johannesburg city skyline, joburg

Johannesburg City Skyline

I may however have to take this back….a Brown Hyena has just been found in a well-populated Johannesburg suburb just up the road from where I live!!

This is what a Brown Hyena looks like – they stand over a metre high and weigh about 40 kg.  I have seen them in the Kruger Park, and they are quite scary!

Brown hyena, hyena, african wildlife

Hello Gorgeous! Brown Hyena

Happily, especially for the Hyena’s sake, she has been darted by the FreeMe Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre and safely repatriated to Johannesburg Zoo.

hyena caught on camera, briown hyena in johannesburg,

Caught in Action! African wildlife and city life meet up!

As the local like to say here, Africa is not for sissies!! 🙂


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